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The fruit of Otenga, widely popular in Assam, unlike other fruits, is formed by the petals of the flower. They wrap around each other and become stronger to become the fruit.
Using this powerful metaphor, Project Otenga is a multimodal space for multidisciplinary collaboration and learning beyond confined classrooms. We are working towards propagating a culture of mindfulness, constructive collaborations, and collective learning. For more of what's going on, click here.
As a cafe, we relish the factor of food as a bonding element by creating gastronomical experiences through North Eastern cuisine and using traditional Indian practices.
The café is a space for collaborators, creators, thinkers, and people from all areas of life to connect and talk about new ideas, creating a knowledge economy. For more on food, here.
The studio is our mental space where we brew beautiful ideas. We curate various experiences that speak to holistic viewpoints and also collaborate with like-minded individuals on constructive ideas for empowering and engaging mankind in meaningful ways. For a peek into our studio, click here.
Project Otenga is a transformative experimental space. Being at the heart of Ahmedabad University, we keep building academic directions beyond the classroom, now towards creating a public lab. What would it be and how it will work is what we're experimenting in our physical space! We’re always looking forward to insights from our patrons! Here's what we're doing!
Gandhi always said, that there's more than life to increasing its speed, and at Project Otenga, we firmly believe in the slow approach towards life. We like to pause, think and reflect instead of mindlessly moving faster. Our core stays strong with mindful habits and compassionate practices as we grow!
To know more, contact us here.
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